Heat wave in the UK

In case you’re unaware, the UK is amidst a heat wave. We don’t often have a prolonged period of nice weather like this so it is a novelty. However, like your typical blue eyed, blonde haired, pale skinned British woman, I burn easily. I also get all hot and bothered if there is no breeze and I’m being active.

Exercising in this weather is brutal. I managed 30 minutes on the cross trainer and I’m not doing it again whilst it’s this hot. However, every day around lunchtime I see an old guy from my estate go for a run for an hour – I half want to chase him with a bottle of water and ask him if he’s crazy and the other half wants to join him. That is until my spell on the cross trainer – now I’d rather just watch him from my window!

Yesterday I met up with some of my mum and baby friends and we went to the beach. It was a perfect afternoon and we all really really enjoyed it, it was also nice to have a girly chat. One of my friends confided in me a few weeks ago that she was pregnant – she had her 12 week scan this week so finally told our other friends. I’m really happy for her and her husband and I’m looking forward to newborn baby cuddles – although another one of my friends is due in a couple of weeks so I’ll get some soon! Anyway, my little one loved the sea and was fearless in that he went in chest deep and wanted to go in further! I got soaked but it was good fun chasing the kiddies and splashing about. I was doing really well and putting on my factor 50 sunscreen on us both but I got side tracked and forgot my back. It is very sore and was very uncomfortable to sleep on last night. Never mind!


Diet stuff is going okay. You’ve probably noticed the lack of weigh in Wednesday this week. I’m too hot to eat which I know is sending my body into starvation mode which my metabolism isn’t thanking me for. I love to cook but in this weather when I do cook, I just don’t want to eat it. I need to hire a chef or something! I’m loving watermelon at the moment which seems to be my food staple in this heat.

Oh, and I bought a couple of bargainous dresses this week. One of which is a size 14 – it was the last one and does fit although the cut is why I could get away with a 14! I’ve got plans for wearing it within the next week or so. Here’s a picture although it doesn’t really do it justice (taking a picture of yourself in wobbly mirrors is hard!!).
